Monday, August 21, 2006

Pie Recipes #39 - Ikea's Swedish Apple Pie Recipe (copycat recipes)

Here's a fantastic copycat recipe for the swedish apple pie/cake they serve at Ikea stores!

Skånsk äppelkaka- Scanian Apple Cake
The southernmost province of Sweden - Scania - is famous (at least within Sweden) for its food. This Scanian apple cake is a true calorie bomb but so delicious that it has to be eaten at least once even if you will have to stick to a water-and-bread diet for few days afterwards.

Ingredients: * 16 large apples
* 500 g (1 lb) granulated sugar
* 400 ml dried bread crumbs
* plenty of butter

Proceed as follows: 1. Peel the apples, remove the cores and cut them in thin slices. 2. Butter a suitable form and cover the bottom with a thin layer of sugar and bread crumbs. 3. Place half of the apple slices in the form and spread half of the sugar and half of the bread crumbs on top of the slices. 4. Add the remaining apple slices and cover them with the remaining sugar and bread crumbs. 5. Slice ice-cold butter over the form, using a cheese slicer, so that the contents of the form is covered by a thin butter layer. 6. Bake in the oven at 175° C for 10 minutes. 7. Slice a new butter layer over the contents of the form. 8. Bake for another 10 minutes at 175° C. 9. Raise the oven temperature to 250° C and bake for a further 20 minutes.


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